Project Grachtbrug in Lisse proceeds!

Grachtbrug Lisse

On the 29th of May, VE-R assisted the municipality of Lisse in organizing an information market for the vision development on the Grachtbrug, a viaduct in the centre of town. For this purpose, we designed a series of panels summarizing the results of the previous studies and the outcomes of the series of participant’s group…

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LMUP to be presented at IFLA World Conference 2023

LMUP at IFLA conference

VE-R is invited to facilitate a Round Table/Workshop at the IFLA World Congress 2023. The workshop will focus on River and City Park design in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, and will provide an opportunity to share knowledge on the Lower Msimbazi Upgrading Plan (LMUP). The IFLA World Congress attracts professionals interested in creating a sustainable…

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